CGC Registry Data Streamlined

This announcement is no longer active


We have some exciting changes taking place right now here at CGC! The Registry has been streamlined and updated! You may have noticed that scores on some of your books have changed. In some cases, your score may have gone up, on others, you may have seen your score has gone down. We have been cleaning up the Registry and omitting information that is no longer valid. It was brought to our attention that there were inconsistencies with the scoring and this is just us repairing the errors. If you should see your score go down on certain books, please know that this change was across the board. Every member’s score will be adjusted. The same is true if your books should go up.  The most notable change that you will see is that new Modern books should be scored a “24” for a 9.8. Some books, due to a glitch, were scored “25” at a 9.8. Those books that were scored a “25” will now be a “24.” This change will adjust points on Modern Books between 9.0-9.8.
If you should have questions concerning the Registry update, please feel free to contact me at
We are sorry for this inconvenience, but know that it is all for the greater good for building and stronger more responsive Registry experience.
Mollie Davis