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THE BUILD UP JOURNAL: Coming soon to a Christmas near you - mattn792's 4th Annual Charity Thread! With a new twist...

Hello all!  As many of you probably already know, I've run a little charity thread for the past three years in G/S/B, where @jaybuck43 and I pick a worthy cause or two to raise money for, I inevitably finish a strong second in whatever gentlemen's bet we agree to, and then I put up the seed money.  Myself and several generous boardies put up books to give away, folks pledge money, and we raise some good dough for our chosen cause(s).  Simple, right? And this year will largely go the same wa

I haven't done a journal entry in 5 1/2 years!

So let's do this! In a text to my wonderful girlfriend today, I said something to the effect of "it's like a cloud of lousy has been hanging over this whole week."   And it's the truth, we've both felt that way about our respective work weeks.  But that also makes me smile when I reflect on just how much higher the floor is for "lousy" than it used to be in my life.   Looking at the calendar, today (May 26th, but my typing carried over into the 27th) is actually the 9 month annive


mattn792 in Musings

Best2u Makes a Good Point...

We're slacking on the journals! Myself included of course. I'm actually relatively stunned that 2016 is over, it seems like a couple weeks ago that I was at WW Chicago endlessly standing in lines for Carrie Fisher (may she finally have found peace) and the X-Files cadre's autographs. But here we are, January 1, 2017. I will NEVER forget 2016 to put it simply. I've been a devout Cubs fan my entire life, and my God it finally happened. Montgomery from the stretch, curveball to Martinez, g



School's out...

for-evah! I was hoping to get "Welcome to my nightmare" on this as well, but who am I to argue with Alice Cooper? To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Older Man Logan

Retirement Home Confidential Join our hero as he delves into the unseemly world of counterfeit Viagra, rising Medicare Part B expenses, and the great Golden Girls blackout of 2047... I'm only half joking when I say Marvel is one day going to steal one of my idiotic ideas. They certainly couldn't do any worse. Moving on. So here I go from not writing a journal for months to 2 within the span of a week. I guess consistency isn't my strong suit. A new batch returns, and another long over



Wolverina vs. Thorina

Giant Size Topless Slumber Party No, I still don't give a mess about current Marvel releases, I just like making fun of them. Moving on. I haven't written a journal since January, so it's time to get back in the saddle. The past 5ish months have been a busy time in my own little corner of the collecting world. Initially I had planned to take a decent spending break after telling my C2E2 budget to go sit in the corner and stay quiet while I splurge on Silver Age X-Men. But as it turned out, i



100%, but not Complete.

Wolverine (1988) reaches a midpoint milestone. There I was. It was Tuesday, January 19, 2016, and I was engaged in an interminable wait for the mailman. 1 PM. 2 PM. 3 PM. 4PM. 4:40 PM...f this, I'm not sitting at the office all night. And then right as I was about to put my coat on, I heard the office door chime and my books had finally arrived. Having figured out a pretty accurate way to follow the census, I already knew to expect two SS 9.8s (40, 59) and an SS 9.4 (89 non-deluxe) from A



It's Year in Review Time...

Yes, it's 1/2 thank yous, 1/2 eulogy, 1/2 goals accomplished, 1/2 goals to finish, 1/2 reflection, 1/2 looking ahead. You totaled that up right, it's a review of 600% of my 2015! But before I begin reminiscing about comics and comic related accessories, I need to start with the most important part and acknowledge my wonderful new wife, who puts up with my hobby and doesn't bat an eye when I occasionally spend a few hundred bucks on the latest and greatest addition. Now, you might be asking y




Star Wars is fun again!!! AGAIN, *** SPOILERS *** ONE LAST TIME -- SPOILERS CONTAINED. STOP HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE AND PLAN TO DO SO. My wonderful wife was kind enough to make "The Force Awakens" the first movie we saw as a married couple, and as JJ Abrams has proven wont to do when he takes the reins of a beloved franchise, his first effort spurred mostly positive feelings within me. So I'll start with a few things that didn't quite sit right. As we've seen, the occasiona



Let's play a game.

I call it "Find the Blue Foil on the Cover." Go ahead, scroll down to the photo and see if Wolverine is foil embossed. Or if there's a foil Wizard logo. I'll wait. . . . . . . . . . . . Did you find it? Yeah me neither. We all suck at this game. In the past I've dealt with unlabeled deluxe editions, mis-labeled variants, Signature Series labels that list the wrong signer, but this one may be the worst yet. On the plus side, the Joe Phillips signature turned out



Did I call this one?

X-23 really is now the... ...Wolverina? Or does eBay deceive me? Honestly, can someone answer that for me? I won't waste the time it would take to spit on the new release rack (plus that's probably a great way to get arrested, which I'm not in favor of), much less keep up on the comic debacle that is today's Marvel, but I am curious to see if the prediction I made at the end of the tirade I posted in my Wolverine (Complete) set actually came true. While I prep myself to be violently il



More Derision for Pointless Signatures

Continuing my latest tirade. Well I was going to let it ride for a while, but eBay delivered me a new object of especial derision -- an SS 9.4 copy of Wolverine 102.5. Why would I find this particular book annoying? Well, for starters, its listing title mentions Slott, Vallejo, and Bell. But, did any of these wonderful contributors actually sign the book? Why no, that would make too much sense! This particular copy is signed by none other than Len Wein and Herb Trimpe along with the stan



The Cash Grab of Wolverine, Part III: No More Cash for You!

He taped pointy rebar to his hands?!? Seriously?? The "death" of Wolverine storyline still sucks. I took $40 on eBay just to get the garbage out of my house. Moving on. In today's abbreviated journal, let us delve into a non-death but still cash grab related topic -- are you a fan of having totally random issues signed by a character's (Wolverine or otherwise) creator(s) (say, Wolverine v3 59 by Len Wein and John Romita)? To me, unless we're talking about Stan Lee (no Stan, no Marvel/Sta



The Cash Grab of Wolverine, Part II: Grab This!

Let the tirade continue. So it's been about 3 weeks since I posted my first journal decrying Marvel's "death" of Wolverine stunt (thanks for all the views and replies btw). You may be wondering if my stance has softened in any way, to which the answer is an emphatic NO. If anything, I've grown even more disdainful of it, to the point that all the Marvel Now! issues are going on eBay. I really did give it a lot of though, and it turns out I have no intention of ever reading them again (or fo



The Cash Grab of Wolverine

A (multi-part?) tirade against Marvel's epic blunder. Greetings all! While I've chosen to utilize my own collections on the registry to post my numerous comic related thoughts, I finally had the utter misfortune of reading Marvel's remarkably unremarkable "Death" of Wolverine story, conveniently force fed into 4 overpriced issues. I have no idea where this is going, how long or how often I'll post about it, but watching my favorite comic character of all time get put out to pasture in such a



Seeking more high grade Wolverine 1-189

Top set in registry needs more!!! Hello all. Just wanted to put it out there that I'm looking for more 9.8 and above Wolverine books. My set is nearing completion and as most everyone knows its much harder to finish a set than to start it. I will pay top dollar to anyone looking to sell a 9.9 or 10.0 (as a reference, I paid $529 for my 10.0 copy of #2, and I have a 9.9 #1 on the way that cost me $995).

