CGC Grades Over 2.6 Million Comic Books
Posted on 5/6/2014
CGC has gone from zero to over 2.6 million in just 14 years! That’s how CGC’s comic book grading numbers have grown — and the collecting community has benefited from this growth. CGC was started as a way to level the playing field of comic collecting. With grading, collectors would know exactly what they were purchasing even if they didn’t have the opportunity to see their collecting targets before paying for them.
Here is what a couple of industry professionals say about CGC:
"CGC has been the leader and pioneer of third-party grading of comic books for the last 14 years. The staff of CGC really puts an extra effort forward making sure you are always taken care of in a five-star manner."
Vincent ZurzoloMetropolis Collectibles
"CGC can be credited for bringing a previously unseen amount of liquidity to the marketplace that ComicLink buyers and sellers rely upon day in and day out. It certainly has made our job easier!"
Josh NathansonComicLink
“The addition of CGC’s independent, third-party certification to the marketplace has been one of the most important changes for collectors and dealers alike in the last decade.”
Robert M. OverstreetThe Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide
In 2013, Certified Collectibles Group, CGC’s parent company strengthened its commitment to promoting the comic collecting hobby and enhancing the collecting experience by acquiring Classics Incorporated. The company, renamed Classic Collectible Services, is the world's premiere comic book pressing, restoration and restoration removal service. Led by noted comic book authority Matt Nelson, the addition of CCS offers collectors a streamlined submission experience and a new suite of services.
Moving forward, the CGC graders will continue to bring consistent and accurate grading to the hobby, ensuring collectors will know the reality of a book’s condition when they purchase it.
CGC and CCS are independent members of the Certified Collectibles Group.
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