Thwipp! Amazing Fantasy #15 CGC 9.4 Swings to a $325,000 Sale
Posted on 9/6/2011

“We're very fortunate to be able to match up the world’s best comic book buyers with the very best comics in the marketplace,” said Vincent Zurzolo, Chief Operating Officer.
“Not only is this a new record for a CGC 9.4, it’s also the second highest cash price ever paid for a Silver Age comic,” said Rob Reynolds, Director of Consignments. “This is the product of a lot of hard work and our dedication to providing the utmost in customer service to our clients.”
“We are building momentum with each auction and I am aggressively seeking the best of consignments for my next major Event Auction,” Reynolds said. “I have millions of dollars to advance my consignors for top-notch material. If you want the best prices for your comics and original comic art, please call me.”
Director of Consignments Rob Reynolds can be reached via e-mail at and by phone at 212-895-3999.
This is a guest article. The thoughts and opinions in this piece are those of their author and are not necessarily the thoughts of the Certified Collectibles Group.
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