Try the new CGC Journals!
Posted on 3/22/2017
The new CGC Journals has an improved design that makes it significantly easier to post and read journals from any device, including smartphones and tablets. Adding images has been made much simpler, and the CGC Journals now give users the ability to create polls and "like" other entries.
A popular feature of the old CGC Journals was the ability to open an entry to comments from other users. This feature has been retained and enhanced — users can now comment on the same page as the original Journal entry, creating a seamless experience. Best of all, the same login can be used to post Journals, make comments and access the other features of the CGC website.
Old CGC Journals entries will be migrated to the new CGC Journals soon. In the meantime, users can make posts to the new CGC Journals.
To get started, create a Journal and make an entry. Unlike the old CGC Journals, you create a single Journal and then add new entries to it. Your Journal can be customized with a cover photo, and you can choose to make it available to all users or only to the users that you select. You can also choose to receive notifications whenever people comment on one of your entries.
Scroll below for helpful tips on using the new CGC Journals or go to the new CGC Journals now >
Instructions / Tips
To get started, you must first create your Journal and then you can add entries to that Journal.
Choose Journals from the Browse menu if you are not already on the Journals page

Click Create a Journal

Name your journal, add a description, add a photo, and choose if you want all users to see your journal or if you would like it available to a specific audience only. Click Continue to move on to the next step where you can add you first entry!

Click Add Journal Entry to add a post to your journal

Commenting on another user's Journal is easy. After selecting a journal to read, scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the field where you may enter your comments and see the comments others have posted.

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